Area in Northern Mindanao With Free Wi-Fi As of October 2019

The Internet nowadays is already part of our daily life, everywhere you go right now you can see people are online to be updated on their social media or being updated to their favorite sites. Northern Mindanao is one of the lucky provinces in the Philippines because the Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) has a free Wi-Fi program. Below are the lists of Cities and Municipalities in Northern Mindanao who have Free Wi-Fi.

Green wi-fi are already deployed while Yellow are on-going

Steps To Connect

  1. First, go to the SETTINGS portion of the smartphone or tablet then look for the Wi-Fi icon.
  2. Select the freewifi4all on the available networks.
  3. Wait until the Free Welcome Page appears, and select ENTER.
  4. Choose your preferred language.
  5. Click on the AGREE button on the TERMS AND CONDITIONS PAGE.
  6. Choose your preferred TYPE OF ACCESS:
  • INSTANT ACCESS (50 MB daily)

Choosing INSTANT ACCESS will automatically bring you to the Free Wi-Fi for All Homepage. Click on the GO ONLINE button located on the bottom of the homepage in order to continue browsing.

  • REGISTERED ACCESS (100 MB daily)

For REGISTERED ACCESSNEW USERS will have to create a new account and fill up the necessary fields on the screen:

  1. Email Address
  2. First Name
  3. Middle Name
  4. Last Name
  5. ID Number and Type of Government-Issued ID
  6. Password
  7. Confirmation of Password

After filling up fields with the correct information, click on REGISTER. The system will send a confirmation email to the registered account, detailing the status of your subscription. You will need to check the registered email and click on the system-generated email in order to activate your account.

Once the confirmation email has been processed, input your EMAIL and PASSWORD on the EXISTING LEVEL 2 USERS fields and choose SIGN-IN. You will be then directed to the Free Wi-Fi for All Homepage.