Cagayan de Oro Dota 2 ICT Tournament

Calling to all ICT Organizations out there, this your chance to showcase your talent in playing the most famous online game in the world, the Dota 2. The Dota 2 ICT tournament will be on November 9, 2014 and open to all ICT Organizations. The team should be composing of 5 players, 2 substitutes and 1 coach. The registration in only 5,000 pesos each team and the venue for this event will at Mineski Portal near Xavier University Cagayan de Oro. So what are you waiting for, gather the best players in your company and join the Dota 2 tournament and prepare to DIE.. First BLOOD!!!!!!!!!! This event is organized by ICT Cagayan de Oro and sponsored by Innovuze Solutions, Red Lemon, Cleversoft and Syntactics.