Kagay-Anons What Arcade Game Have You Played Before?

I’m sure if you were born around the 80s or early 90s you have to experience the games in the arcade or playing a family computer or some Nintendo games that most of us are being addicted to these games. If you are into this era then I’m sure one of your favorite games in the arcade is Tekken 3, Marvel vs Capcom, Pacman or if you love to play on a family computer I’m sure you were addicted to playing the Super Mario brothers game or the not getting the old game until now, the Tetris game.

Playing those games could be missed especially when getting fall in line in the arcade and wait for your turn to play that game. Today’s generation could not relate to these arcade games that we played before.

Due to missing those games, I tried to search online and look if there are available online games that I played before in the arcade and I am glad that I found this 1 site that I think has it all. It has it all, meaning, all the games I played before in arcade are displayed by this website and you can play it online. Just like one of my favorite games that I usually played on my Family computer, the Super Tetris. IT will exercise your fingers know fast to rotate those blocks just to insert them in the right place.

I know that most of us right now are into modern games which we played on the computer, cellphones, iPad and other gadgets that are available right now but if you missed your childhood games don’t be shy to play one of those arcade games that once upon a time you were addicted and become your fantasy on how you could complete the games or the mission. So if you missed your childhood games, it is okay to play once in a while to those our favorite arcade games that is part of our childhood memory already.

I will share with you my favorite quote in games.

It is impossible to win gracefully at chess. No man has yet said “Mate!” in a voice that failed to sound to his opponent bitter, boastful and malicious.